You finally took the plunge and tackled that closet full of clothes you haven’t worn in years. Good for you! Now what do you do with all those boxes of stuff taking up space in your basement? And don’t even get us started on the garage… Bonsai Junk Removal is here to help! We specialize in declutteringresidential spaces and getting rid of unwanted junk – quickly and painlessly.

Clean house is a happy house

If you’re anything like me, you hate having junk around the house. It’s Clutter- City over here and it’s so frustrating because I want my home to be a relaxing oasis, not a dumping ground for all the stuff we don’t need. But I just don’t have the time to get rid of it all! That’s where bonsai junk removal comes in. We are the solution to your problem!


If you’re like most people, you have too much stuff. Clutter seems to build up and it’s tough to know what to do with it all. You don’t want the headache or expense of a traditional junk removal service. Bonsai Junk Removal is the solution you’ve been looking for – professional, efficient, and affordable.

CALL US (206) 487-8970